Café Sol

Café Sol is the first work of the Company Fil d'Arena dansa-teatre. Four women reopen an old party room from the 1930s, display all their habilities to make the party a success, but maybe it will be ... a disaster?

A cabaret-style staging transported to the present.

Performers surprise us from beginning to end involving the audience that will end up participating fully in this party. It is a fresh and fun proposal where it releases and spreadslots of energy.

The work combines contemporary dance, theater and live music within a code in which humor predominates.

We will see dancing, laughing, crying, getting angry, wanting and singing in an explosion of emotions to share together.

Café Sol uses language close to all types of public and seeks complicity with the viewer. In addition the work has a format that adapts to all kinds of spaces of representation.

Since its premiere this work has toured important festivals like the BackStreet Festival of Alexandria (Egypt), MadFeria (Madrid), Fira Tàrrega (Catalunya) as well as squares and streets of small towns.

Under the direction of Clara Crespoa collective collaboration is generated where each member brings their ideas and their concerns. The complicity of the group is reflected during the development of the entire work.