Next Shows
SENIA 15 of june 2024, Festival Matarranya, València
SENIA 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of july 2024, Festival Mimos, Périgueux, França
SENIA 8 & 9 august 2024, Festival en Bastides, Villafranche de Rouerge, Franç
Former Shows
GENERACIÓN Z, SURFEANDO LA HERENCIA 25, 26, 27 & 28 of april 2024, Teatro Rialto, Valencia
ZENEZ 17 of april 2024, Almudín, Festival Dansa València
ZENEZ - PREMIERE 13 of april 2024 , Parque Central , Festival Dansa València.
NIMBES 5, 6 & 7 of april 2024, Teatre Micalet, Valencia
NIMBES 9 of march 2024, Juneda, Lleida
NIMBES 13 of january 2024, Elche, Alicante
NIMBES 26 of november 2023, Amposta, Cataluña
NIMBES 10 & 11 of november 2023, Sala Cuarta Pared, Madrid
SENIA 1 octuber 2023, Cultura als Barris, València
SENIA 22 octuber 2023, Festival Prismàtica, Zarra, Comunidad Valenciana
NIMBES 24 september 2023, Vinaroz, Castellón
SENIA 23, 24, 25 & 26 de agosto de 2023, Festival de Aurillach, Francia
SENIA 20 august de 2023, Festival de Ciudadella, Jaca
SALT 8th of march 2023, Ayuntamiento de Mislata, Valencia
SENIA 15th of april 2023 at the Festival MU-danzas de Cartagena, Murcia
NIMBES 29th of april 2022, Teatro Ateneu de Tarrega, Catalonia
Cos a Cos (E111) 9, 10 & 11 february 2023, Teatro Libero de Palermo, Italy
NIMBES 19th of november 2022 Centro Cultural de Alcasser
NINA 13 & 14th november 2022, Centro Cultural de Benigànim, Valencia
NINA 5th of october 2022, El Campello, Alicante
SENIA 30th of october 2022, Marxalenes, Circuito Cultura als Barris, Valencia.
SENIA 30th of october 2022, Mora de Rubielos, Festival Titirimora, Teruel
NIMBES 7th of october 2022, Fira Manresa, Catalonia
SALT 30th july 2022, Festival Paisaje, Villamalea, Albacete
NIMBES 10th of june 2022, Espacio El Obrador, Deltebre, Catalonia
NIMBES 25th may 2022 on the Mostra de Alcoi
NINA 19th may 2022, Campaine Anem al Teatre, Centro Cultural de Massamagrell
NIMBES 12, 13, 14 & 15th mayo 2022, Sala Carme Teatro, Valencia
NINA 10th may 2022, Campaine Anem al Teatre, Centro Cultural Carmen Valero de Silla
COS A COS 7th may 2022. Auditorio Municipal de Albalat de la Ribera
NINA 3 & 4th may 2022, Campaine Anem al Teatre, Teatro TAMA, Aldaia
NINA 17th april 2022. Auditorio del Palacio de Congresos, Peñiscola
NIMBES 9th aprill 2022. Teatro Agricola, Alboraya
NINA 27th march 2022, Atrium Viladecans, Catalonia
NINA 5th march 2022, Aracena, Huelva
NINA 4th march 2022, Lucena, Córdoba
NINA 20th february 2022, Teatro Arniches, Alicante
NIMBES 20th november 2021, Bellreguard
NIMBES 5, 6 & 7 november 2021 La Rambleta, Valencia
NIMBES 30 & 31 october 2021 , Espaicio Inestable, Valencia
NIMBES 29th october 2021 ESTREN0 ABSOLUTO, Espacio Inestable de Valencia
Cos a Cos (E111) 23 october 2021, Escorxador de Elxe
SÉNIA 25 september 2021, Teatro LIbero de Palermo
SÉNIA 7th september 2021Festival Migrats, Valencia
NINA 28th august 2021, Rubielos de Mora
PUPUT 16th july 2021, Festival Deltebre Dansa
SÉNIA 9th july 2021, Xirivella
Cos a Cos ( E111) 19th june 2021, Albalat de la Ribera
Cos a Cos (E111) 6th june 2021, Paiporta
SÉNIA 12th may 2021, Ciudad Real
Cos a Cos (E111) December 12th &13th, Sala Mutant, València
NINA november 29th Casa de la Cultura de Vila-real
SALT november 28, l’Obrador, Deltebre
NINA november 22th Casa de la Cultura Picassent
SÉNIA november 17th, University of Castellón (UJI)
SÉNIA (ESTRENA) november 7th &12th, Festival Dansa València
NINA October 25th La Pobla de Vallbona
october 16th, Mairena de Alcor, Sevilla
october 17th, Cartaya, Huelva
SALT July 24th, 25th, 26th, Gala Re-Activem del IVC, Castello, València & Alacant
NINA March 9th,10th & 11th, 2020, Mislata, Valencia
NINA March 1th, 2020, Cultural Center El Molí, Benetússer, Valencia
COS A COS (E111) January 30th, 2020, Teatro Tama, “Circuito Emergent” Aldaya, Valencia
SALT November 25th, 2019, Quart de Poblet, Valencia
SALT November 25th, 2019, Quart de Poblet, Valencia
COS A COS (E111) November 3th, 9th, 10th, 16th & 17th, 2019, sala Off, Valencia
COS A COS (E111) November 2th, 2019, PREMIERE in the sala Off, Valencia
COS A COS (E111) November 2th, 2019, PRE-PREMIERE in the Festival Bucles, Valencia
SALT (street) October 25th, 2019, in Viladecans, Catalonia, Spain
SALT (street) September 14th & 15th, 2019 in Vascon, Italy
SALT (street) August 6th, 2019, Festival en Bastides, Aveyron, France
SALT (street) July 27th, 2019, Mairena de Alcor, Sevilla
SALT (street) July 6th, 2019, Bilbao
SALT (street) July 5th & 7th, Street Festival Viladecans, Catalonia
SALT (street) May 4th, 2019, in Denia, Valencia
SALT April 16th, 2019, in the Sala Mutant, Valencia
NINA April 14th, 2019, Carme Teatre into the Festival Dansa Valencia
NINA March 31th, 2019, Casa de la Cultura El Puig, Valencia
SALT March 22th, 2019 Festival Es-Fera, Valencia
SALT December 15 & 16th, 2018, El Huerto, Gijón
SALT November 30th & December 1th, 2018, Espacio DT, Madrid
SALT November 21th & 22th, 2018, La Nau, Valencia
SALT July 24th, 2918, Deltebre Dance Festival, Deltebre, Tarragona
SALT (street) from July 19th until 22th, 2018, Festival Chalon dans le Rue, France
SALT (street) July 12th, 2018, Corpo a Terra Festival, Ourense
SALT June 21th, 22th, 23th, 24th, 2018, Theater El Micalet, Valencia
SALT (street) May 6th, 12th & 18th of May, 2018, 10 Sentidos Festival, Valencia
SALT April 5th, 2018, Las Cigarreras, Alicante
SALT (street) March 11th, 2018, Sagunto Festival
SALT March 10th, 2018, Theatre Agrícola in Alboraya, Valencia
SALT February 15th, 16th, 17th &18th, 2018, Carme Teatre, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL January 27th, Theater Agrícola of Alboraya, Valencia
24th, 25th & 26th, 2017, Space Nimiku, Santiago de Chile
24th Catholic University of Curicó, Curicó
23th Cultural Center Al Margen, Talca
20th & 21th Cine Club, Catholic University of Talca, Talca
19th University Austral of Chile, Valdivia
17th Botanic Garden, Scenic Experimentation Center, Valdivia
15th - IV Meeting Letters in Gender. "Bodies in movement, territories of liberation." Library of Santiago de Chile
9th Balmaceda Young Art, Valparaiso
SALT October 19th, 20th, 21th, 22th 2017, Premiere (indoor version) in Carme Teatre, Valencia
SALT (street) September 24th, 2017, Patraix, Valencia
SALT Premiere street version, September 24th, 2017 Orriols, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT September, 2th & 3th, 2017, Vesenaz, Suiza
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT August 19th, 2017, Ressona Festival, Sagunt, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT August 5th, 2017, Opera and dance festival, Deltebre
SALT (working progres) May 28th, 2017, Cabanyal intim festival, Valencia
ARRELS May 26th, 2017, Community Dance, Cabañal Íntim festival, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT May 13TH, 2017, Faura
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT March 30th & 31th, April 1th & 2th, 2017, El Micalet, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT November 27th, 2016, SOLIMED. Euro-Mediterranean meeting on solidarity with refugees
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT October 19th, 2016, Auditorium of the University of Alicante, Alicante
CAFÉ SOL October 8th, 2016, Sumacárcel Municipal Auditorium, Sumacárcel, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT July 15th, 2016, Festival Juliol Musical del Puig, El Puig, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL July 29th, 2016, La Fábrica de hielo, Cabañal, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL March 5th, 2016, El Matadero, Godella, Valencia
BIG DANCE May 20th, 2016, Community Dance, Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT February 11th, 12th & 13th, 2016, Sala Ultramar, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL January 15th & 16th, 2015, No hay nada mejor que 27 amigos, Cabañal, Valencia
LA SAL QUE ENS HA PARTIT December 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 2015, Premiere in Sala Off Valencia
CAFÉ SOL October 31th, 2015, Benlloch, Castellón
CAFÉ SOL October 3th, 2015, House of Culture Vilamarxante, Albacete
CAFÉ SOL September 4th, 5th, 6th, 2015, Carme Teatre, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL March 20th, 2015, House of culture, Jávea, Alicante
THE RITE OF THE SPRING April 25th, 2015, PerkuLLiria, LLiria, Valencia
THE RITE OF THE SPRING June 13th, 2015, Teatro Capitolio, Godella, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL December 14th, 2014, House of Culture of Xirivella, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL December 13th, 2014, House of Culture, El Puig, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL August 5th 2014, Casa dels Bous, Cabañal, Valencia
CAFÉ SOL July 26th, 2014, Cloister of the Trinitarian Convent, Fuensanta
CAFÉ SOL July 20th, 2014, Babakus Festival, Alcossebre
CAFÉ SOL July 4th, 2014, House of Culture, Rocafort