“Salt” is the second part of the trilogy “SAL”, a piece set about migration seen from different angles. Whereas the first one “La Sal que ens ha Partit” alludes to the migration crisis, globally and atemporally; “Salt” tunes the sight up directly at the European refugees crisis and the role of the woman in this process.
Fil d’Arena dansa-teatre backs into shaking our western society’s passiveness off and exposes a context determined by the harsh conditions which the emigrants live when they decide to leave their homes seeking a better future. Labour and sexual exploitation, the loss of their loved-ones effect on them, the loss of their own identity and the media’s frivolity in this respect.
A multi-disciplinary proposal that oscillates between the limits of the theatre, dance, performance, and circus; where the extreme physical language of the performers and the images created welcome thinking over the role of the woman in this journey. A piece where wit and cruelty hang from the same thread.
Three women on stage who combine the strength and sensitivity through a risky and acrobatic dance. Music and performance that takes us to different worlds and realities and make “Salt” a piece that sails from the abstract side of dance to the most concrete through evoking lines and images.
There is the theater version (55m) and the street version (30m), more info in the dossier.